

Me, the writer, the tea lover, drunk in poetry, accidently on photography, addict to xanxia.


  • Listen to something

    When you first wake up, just before you opened your eyes. It was good to listen everything around you and grasp a moment in life.

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  • A road to freedom

    The asphalt shimmered under the relentless desert sun, the faded inscription on the road sign barely clinging to existence. “Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard,” it read, a whisper of a name swallowed by the vastness. I traced the lettering with my finger, a melancholic chuckle escaping my lips. This wasn’t the first road named after…

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  • Selamat Merayakan Jumat Agung 2024

    Pada hari Jumat Agung ini, kami ingin menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan doa terbaik bagi para pembaca blog yang merayakannya. Hari ini merupakan hari yang penuh makna bagi umat Kristiani di seluruh dunia. Hari ini, kita memperingati wafatnya Yesus Kristus di kayu salib demi menebus dosa umat manusia. Kematian Yesus merupakan pengorbanan yang luar biasa dan…

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  • Laughter

    In the cradle of civilization, under a sky dusted with the first stars, lived Anya. Anya, like all humans, possessed a curious symphony within – the symphony of laughter. It was a melody both joyous and unsettling, a riddle wrapped in a guffaw. Anya’s laughter first bloomed like a desert flower when she toddled towards…

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  • On the Earth or among the Stars

    The scent of clove cigarettes and jasmine incense hung heavy in the air, a constant backdrop to my childhood in the late 80s Indonesia. Back then, our small village sprawled under a canopy of stars so vast, it felt like they spilled over the horizon. Every night, nestled on a woven mat on the porch,…

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  • Memasang openSUSE pada Dell Inspiron 7460

    Laptop Dell Inspiron 7460 adalah laptop yang saya gunakan sejak sekitar 7 tahun yang lalu. Laptop berusia 7 tahun sudah termasuk tua, karena kebanyakan laptop memiliki usia pakai 3-5 tahun. Saya sendiri biasanya memilih laptop agar digunakan untuk jangka yang lebih penjang, jika bisa lebih dari 10 tahun. Karena mesin-mesin ini biasanya bisa bertahan lama…

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